120131 - Genesis 49-50 - Jacob's prophecy for his sons and call upon the name of the LORD
Tuesday SOAP: Inserted into Jacob's prophecies over his sons is his final cry to God, the first mention of the word "salvation," in which he actually calls out the name of Jesus in Hebrew. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Why "SOAP?" See http://www.enewhope.org/firststeps/journaling ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S: I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD. (Ge 49:18). O: Commentary notes vary on why this is inserted in Jacob's final word to his sons. One (Geneva) says it was a cry to God for his children, seeing how badly things would go for them. Another (Gill) relates it to Jacob's impending death, making it a personal cry to God. A: I like this latter interpretation best, especially as David Guzik points out in his commentary that in the original Hebrew, the cry is literally "Yeshua" -- "I have waited for thy Yeshua, O LORD." In this way Israe...