2 Kings 3-4; Psalm 124; John 11
July 7: Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. The miracle Elisha performed for the Shunnamite in raising her dead son was just a shadow of what Jesus would do for Lazarus. Did his pacing and praying in the room prepared for him give him any insight into the coming of Messiah?
2 Kings 3-4: I wonder why Jehoshaphat joined in a league with Jehoram so quickly after having nearly been killed in battle against Syria with Ahab? (1 Kings 22) It was so similar, that Jehoshaphat called for a prophet of the Lord, (2 Kings 3:11, cf., 1 Kings 22:7) This time, Elisha prophesies victory and gives them instruction about how to treat the Moabites. (In Deuteronomy 20:19, God instructs Israel not to cut down good fruit trees when conducting a siege, but this is not a siege.)
Psalm 124: This is said to be a Psalm of David. I wonder if he was young or old when he wrote this? The leader of the mighty men confesses that unless the Lord had been on their side, they’d have been swallowed up when men rose against them. What a testimony against carnal pride.
John 11:1-26: Jesus knew He would be misunderstood. Why did He speak in figures of speech? Was it to train His followers to bridge from felt needs to the true spiritual ones? You can see Martha struggling to understand, willing to believe anything Jesus says the whole time, yet not expecting Him to be talking about immediate resurrection.