Day 83: Judges 1-3
From passages like Judges 1:19, 21, 27, 29-35, 2:1-3, 10-15, 20-23, 3:3-7 can we conclude that Israel "won the war but lost the peace", as we say? I think the whole idea that we’re people who are too short-sighted to be naturally aligned with God’s vision is a profound one, and one that should motivate me more to be filled with His Spirit, Eph. 5:18), so that I’m aware of the opportunities He presents to me, (John 5:20), willing to do what pleases Him, (Philippians 2:12-13) and resistant to every form of temptation (Galatians 5:16) including that of slackness. (Joshua 18:3) Meanwhile one implication of the Exodus that I hadn’t considered in quite this way before: the world wants our firstborn. God prompts us to prepare them by telling them the story of our faith: Exodus 10:2, 12:26, 13:8-14; Deuteronomy 4:5-14, 6:2-25, 11:18-23; 32:44-47; Joshua 4:5-7. How can I memorialize what God has done in my life for future generations of our family in a meaningful way?