Day 27: Exodus 25 - 27
What is necessary that God may dwell among His people? Sanctuary: a
marked-out, holy, restricted space. In his song, Moses called "the
mountain" (Zion) sanctuary. (15:17) In the instructions for the Tabernacle,
it has service elements invoking floral design, symbolic guardians, and an
eastward orientation, all pointing to the Garden, where unrestricted
fellowship was lost. Yet every element foreshadows Jesus, who restores
marked-out, holy, restricted space. In his song, Moses called "the
mountain" (Zion) sanctuary. (15:17) In the instructions for the Tabernacle,
it has service elements invoking floral design, symbolic guardians, and an
eastward orientation, all pointing to the Garden, where unrestricted
fellowship was lost. Yet every element foreshadows Jesus, who restores