Our church
Today we joined Faith Baptist Church of Kissimmee . We've been here for some months without declaring a home church, and it's good to be able to finally make a decision. We haven't missed a Sunday--we've just been observing many area churches carefully to find the right one for us. Our extended time of "deputation," or finding ministry partners, has given us a unique perspective. We've met wonderful, committed christians from many different ethnic and social backgrounds, many different walks of life and many different types of churches. We've also seen and heard some striking examples of what to avoid. It all went into a two-page checklist of questions I posed to our new Pastors. Even after promising myself I would have these meetings, they were still difficult, even uncomfortable, at times...I don't want to ever convey the impression that I feel like I have all areas of my life in order, that I have no struggles! But still, I think one of the many...